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What is EPS?

PSE uses real-time information and data from our risk model to evaluate the condition of the electric system and the environment around it and implement risk reduction measures. During critical fire weather conditions, one tool we can use is Enhanced Power Line Settings (EPS).

These settings are used on targeted power lines, and make the electric system more sensitive to potential hazards in the line, such as a tree branch, and automatically turns power off to reduce the risk of a fire starting.

Lines with EPS help prevent fires and keep you safer by turning power off faster, but you may experience unplanned power outages when these settings are in place.

  • Outages caused by EPS are unplanned, and different than a PSPS, so customers will not receive notification in advance of an EPS outage. However, we will update the outage map and share estimated times of restoration.
  • PSE will consider turning on Enhanced Power Line Settings (EPS) on targeted power lines during high-risk wildfire weather conditions, including strong winds, very dry vegetation, and low humidity.
  • We will only restore power when it is safe to do so – crews must inspect the impacted power lines and make any needed repairs. This could take several hours, if not longer, depending on any potential damage to the system.
  • What to expect

  • How to get updates

  • How to prepare for EPS

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Enhanced power line settings (EPS)
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